Student Summary:

It’s already week 5 and we have accomplished very much in that short period of time. At the beginning of week 5, we had Todd Zima and Aash Desai visit and lecture us. Aash helped us with the budget and Todd discussed the new de Young museum. Designing this building involved using Computer Aided Manufacturing to create the copper panels on the exterior of the building.

During the rest of the week we continued to work on construction drawings (design team) and we also finished the tool shed model, foundation drawings, and we finished the budget (build team).

Friday was the day we finally met with the client to present our hard work. For the most part, they loved the design. The only problems they had with the shed was it’s foundation and it’s size, and also it’s cost of about $6,000 (our budget is only $3,000).

– Erica

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