The Design Project – Site Analysis

The sun never knew how great it was until it hit the side of a building. – Louis Kahn

What: Site Analysis Petcha Ketcha Presentations & Design Charette
Where: Stantec, 224 South Michigan Avenue, Suite 1400
When: Thursday, December 15, 5:00 – 7:00 pm
First, there were two Petcha Ketcha presentations on Site Analysis. Then, the students were broken into 5 groups that performed site analysis on 3 different sites to choose from to be combined with 1 of 3 programs. The site choices were St. Boniface Church, the Ebony/Jet Building, and the Damen Silos. And the program choices included a school, an entertainment venue, and a museum. The most popular group choices were the St. Boniface Church and Damen Silos with Art School / Museum / Entertainment combo. Each group had to present to a client chosen by the mentors. This client judged the presentations based on feasible and sustainable ideas, a convincing argument, and a clear idea represented by excellent presentation skills. Group 4 won the competition, and now we will move forward with this design – An art school / gallery / entertainment venue in the St. Boniface Church. Not to worry other groups, all of your ideas can influence this design to become something that everyone feels like they had a part in!

Important Files:



Blog Quiz:
Do a site analysis of St. Boniface Church to familiarize yourself with the project, especially if your group chose another site. This will catch everyone up to understanding the site we are working with. Print out an aerial map of the  chosen site. Write on it. Where is the sun throughout the day? Wind? Public transportation? Pedestrian and Vehicular traffic? Research the building. Jot info down. What’s in the area – businesses, residential etc? Find images of the site. Scan or take a photo of your work and send to by this Thursday to get a prize!! 

Next Meeting Where: Stantec, 224 South Michigan Avenue, Suite 1400
Next Meeting When: Thursday, December 22, 5:00 – 7:00 pm

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