You guys should seriously just quit ACE now and just go design hats.  For real.  Without much of an introduction for this week (my blabbing will just distract from the coif-keepers), I present the work of the week 2 gathering, with a special shout-out to the winners of design competition:

Best Topper Design: Rainbow Lion Wizard Hat (fabulously modeled by Nathan) and designed by Brittney, Dustin, Jack, and Chris G.

Tallest Chapeau: Burj Khalifa of Hats (precariously modeled by Matt) and designed by Zhanelle, Christian, and Alondra

Cat Hat: Ok so this is technically just a picture Yao sent to me…but wait for it to circle through the slideshow…adorable right?  Right.

I know it looks like a silly task – this hat building project, but creativity comes from anywhere and can be applied to everything.  As an architect, we might not get to do things quite as fun as making sombreros out of pasta noodles, however, creative solutions to design dilemmas and opportunities need to come from the same type of out-of-the-box thought process.  In taking a tour around the VOA office, I hope the homework assignment made a little more sense too.  Everyone hopefully saw that architecture isn’t all about making pretty buildings (although we’ve got some lookers), but in making spaces that create some sort of feeling or emotion.  We all have places that make us feel comfortable or nervous, or excited – and architecture often enhances the feeling found in those spaces.  Thanks for your sketches in describing your places – they were great!

Next week we turn to the construction side of things!  So be there or be a square!  It should be a fun one, but if that doesn’t convince you, hopefully another free dinner will 🙂  See you all next week!!

Next Meeting:

Thursday, November 21

Clune Office @ 10 South LaSalle Street, Suite 300

Time 5:00-7:00

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