Team 7 has been busy over the last few weeks! The three groups continue to work on individual assignments within their specialty (architecture, structural design, or construction and scheduling) but there is plenty of collaboration between groups in order to keep things moving efficiently.

The architecture group made a lot of progress over the past two weeks. They’ve nearly completed the floor plans fo r each of the 3 floors, and have discussed a number of options for the building skins and roof materials.

Team 7 Week 14 1                     Team 7 Week 14 2

The structural group was able to spend the most recent session laying out a column design. Because the building’s second floor footprint will be larger than that of the first floor, some non-traditional support design may be needed in order to support the overhanging areas. A few large open atrium areas will also serve as interesting challenges for the team.

The construction group finished up the physical site model in Week 12. Once the building design is firmed up, efforts will begin to build a physical model of the building to go on the site model. In Week 13, this group discussed a construction staging plan for the site and answered important questions like: Where will we put the construction entrances so that trucks can make deliveries on site? Where will we place our site office so that it doesn’t interfere with the building structure? This past week, they discussed the beginnings of a cost estimate and looked at some example projects.

We are excited to see all the pieces come together over the last few remaining weeks of the year!


Keep in mind:

  • UIUC Field Trip Forms are due at the next meeting (3/11), Field trip is Saturday 3/14
  • The Discover Architecture program at UIUC is a great summer option for those interested in learning more about architecture. Check out the website here. There will be two ACE students awarded scholarships to this program. In addition, there is a drawing competition for a third scholarship opportunity (also on their website).
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