It’s decided – we’re clearing out the first three floors of the HWL and bringing in an entire floor-plate of Starbucks. Just kidding – that would be so much coffee that no one would be able to function. The last time I downed a double-cappuccino, I was so hyper I almost cut off my finger while building a massing model at work. At least, libraries are a little less treacherous. This is beside the point though – we’re not putting in that much room for Starbucks, however, I hope everyone is taking time this week to think about what types of spaces you might want in this new innovative and state of the art library – this is programming.
Next week remember we are meeting at the Harold Washington Library and are starting our tour EXACTLY at 5:00. Pretty please try and get there early! When you are all on your way to the HWL, and touring the building, ask yourself questions – what would you change about the building? Was it hard to find the entrance? How would you make it easier to find? How will you engage the public with the first floor? How do you get to the second floor? How do you connect the functions of the first and second floor? What types of people are going to be using each area? Questions like these will help you to decide what renovations can be done to make the library a more comfortable, usable, and functional community space.

See you all at the library, if you have any problems getting there on time please remember to have the contact information of your buddy or another mentor so we can meet up with you!
Next Meeting:
Thursday, January 23
Harold Washington Library @ 400 South State Street, Floor 1 – In the Lobby
Time 5:00-7:00
(Don’t worry your silly little heads; we’ll be venturing back to the VOA office after the tour. I hope waiting an extra hour for dinner won’t turn you into ravenous zombies… )