Hard Hats, Boots, Safety Glasses…Check ✔️

“Every day should be an adventure.”

-Sean D. Tucker

What: Construction Management Presentation + Construction Site Visit

Where: 5710 S Drexel Ave, Chicago, IL 60637 @ University of Chicago Medical Center (just east of Washington Park)

When: Thursday, November 17, 5:00 – 7:00 pm

Why: What a great turn out for the site visit! We began with an introduction and recap of construction management. Different roles were described: the project manager, who deals with the client; the superintendent, who works with the trades and how things are built in the field; the safety manager, who ensures job safety; the project engineer, who weaves all of the pieces together with an understanding of how to communicate and ability to match the intent and needs of everyone involved.

Students were able to explore a hospital in different phases of the construction process. The activity: a scavenger hunt through the building. During our adventure, we witnessed everything from chalk lines denoting future wall locations to nearly finished patient rooms with installed equipment and power. There were lots of enthusiastic questions regarding the construction process. Fun trip! I hope everyone had a happy holidays! See you in the new year!


Important Files:

ACE_Site Visit Map

Blog Quiz:

Describe what you saw on the construction site visit. What things were you surprised by? How did the experience help you to learn something new?

*Note: Answer this question by next Thursday to possibly receive a prize. Answer by emailing your response to lboley@voa.com. We would love to hear your thoughts! It can be brief, and do not be afraid to speak up!!

Next Meeting Where: VOA Associates, 224 South Michigan Ave, Suite 1400 

Next Meeting When: Thursday, January 7, 5:00 – 7:00 pm

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