Structure, Common Interests, Dots + Spaghetti…
“I believe that the material doesn’t need to be strong to be used to build a strong structure. The strength of the structure has nothing to do with the strength of the material.”
-Shigeru Ban
What: Structural Engineering Presentation + Activities
Where: Sargent & Lundy, 55 East Monroe Street, Floor 35
When: Thursday, November 13, 5:00 – 7:00 pm
Why: First things first, the structural engineering presentation! I am sure everyone learned a ton from Sargent & Lundy’s presentation about basic structures information. After the presentation, students and mentors engaged in an icebreaker activity that required people to break up into groups to find 10 things in common with each other. It may have seemed difficult in the beginning, but everyone was able to find commonalities! This just goes to show that you have more in common with your peers than you realize. What a great way to get acquainted! Then, all of the students were able to tour the office and see where the professional world operates! How exciting!
And the last event, the engineering activity – creating a tower with spaghetti noodles and dots. The Winning Team included Derek, Nimah, Jordan, Jacob, and Robert! Good Job guys!

Important Files:
Blog Quiz: N/A
Next Meeting Where: VOA, 224 South Michigan Avenue, Floor 14
Next Meeting When: Thursday, November 19, 5:00 – 7:00 pm