Paid summer internships are one of the most impactful experiences ACE Mentor offers students.
Gaining professional experience connects young people directly to the building industry and deepens their relationship to the firm and their mentors. Working boosts confidence in their ability to see themselves in this career path and can improve college outcomes. ACE Mentor Chicago is proud to have a robust internship program.
For Students
Internships are available only for students enrolled in our after-school program. Through your participation in the ACE Mentor Program, you will be eligible to apply for a paid summer internship. Internships are primarily for graduating seniors, but juniors are also considered.
For Firms
When you sign up to be an ACE Mentor Intern Host Firm, you agree to the following conditions:
- Host an ACE Mentor Chicago student for 6 weeks for 20-40 hours/week during the summer. Internship dates will fall between the third week of June and the second week of August. Determining exact start and end dates is between the intern and employer.
- Pay the intern Minimum Wage as directed by the City of Chicago. Interns will be paid directly by me/the firm on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.
- Provide exposure to the workplace overall and meaningful experiences including – but not limited to project support, development and/or administration and opportunities to learn and develop new skills.
- Check in with an ACE Mentor administrator twice during the internship.
- Provide feedback about the intern/s through an evaluation survey.
- Allow students to participate in luncheons or field trips if provided by ACE Mentor Chicago.
If you are interested in hosting an ACE Mentor Chicago intern, contact Krisann Rehbein : krisann@acementorchicago.org | 773.301.9645