Week 5 (July 16-20)
Today we split into 2 groups: one working on the project, and one getting a SketchUp Tutorial. Since we are starting to use computer modeling heavily for the project, we decided it would be worth it to do an in-depth SketchUp tutorial. While half of the class were in the SketchUp Tutorial, the other half continued to work on the project, implementing the feedback that the client gave us on Friday. To achieve this, we split into 3 smaller groups: seating/planters, information wall design, and digital/physical model making. Here are some the things that we changed:
The leaf structure is no longer touching the ground
No water collection
Removed planters from the end of the leaf (too tall)
Picture of the cross-section instead of having a real one (for maintenance)
Today we finalized the leaf design with help from Dominick, from Sheehan Nagle Hartray Architects. We mapped out the leaf canopy to scale on the floor for the team to get a feel of how big it will be in real life. We decided that our original dimensions were too big, so we scaled it down. Instead of having the walls in a T-shape in the front of the leaf, we decided to split the walls and have one wall in the front, and one wall towards the back of the structure, for support. Since the planters will no longer be at the end of the leaf, we are going to design seating that incorporates planters as well. We are still deciding on steel vs wood columns for the structure. The information team is working on all the details for the display walls. There are 3 walls total, one will be telling the history of the UFarm, one will be displaying the technology, and one will be a Photo-Op. The information/technology display is our main priority because that has to be sent out to the client and must get approved. After we get a thumbs up from the client, we must send our the drawings to the manufacturer to get it printed. Keeping in mind the synergy between nature and technology, the students designed a wall with a hexagonal mosaic displaying information about the students and groups involved in maintaining the farm. Some of the hexagons which contain information, will be 3D to attract the eye of the viewer.

Kate and Mike from Turner Construction talked to the students about the next steps. What do we do now? Schedule! They told the team about the reality of planning in construction. As an architect, you will always want to keep working on your design but you have to learn to stop and move on. We are at a point in the project where we have to finalize everything. Making a materials list, calling manufacturers, and making shop drawings are next on the list. Only 12 days left until we start construction. Let the countdown begin!

The seating/planters team worked on a materials list for the bench. The structure of the bench was altered due to the change of material for the information walls. The walls will not be structural, therefore the bench will have to be connected to the two columns on the middle and end of the Information wall. Joshua, Mike, and Diana from Turner Construction worked alongside students to create a schedule for the rest of the program. We nailed some key dates:
Monday 7/23- All designs finalized with dimensions
Tuesday 7/24- Finalize SketchUp Drawing, Finalize Leaf Canopy Design, Order
Bench Materials, Metal Visit
Thursday 7/26- Order Columns, Finalize Information Display Content
Friday 7/27- Client Meeting, Order Information Display Materials, Foundation
Monday 7/30- Group 1: Concrete Contractor Site Visit, Digging Layout
Group 2: Laser Cut Information Display Pieces
Group 3: Building Bench + Planters
Tuesday 7/31- Digging + Assembling Displays
Wednesday 8/1- Column Installation
Wed-Fri 8/1-3- Foundation Installation
Monday 8/6- Construction Begins
Y-Bracket, Bench, Soil/Flower Installation
Tue/Wed 8/7-8- Canopy Installation
Thursday 8/9- Install Information Panels
Friday 8/10- Clean Up & Final Presentation at 10:30

Today the team took a break from the Idea Shop and went to see past DBW projects. Everyone got on the train and headed to Homan Square. After seeing 2 of the past projects, students began to realize that our project has a lot of complicated parts to it and we have to stay simple! Visiting the projects also allowed the students to see how materials look after a year or two years of being built. We are leaning towards steel columns after seeing last year’s project. We also got inspiration for the material of our display wall and how we will lay out the information. We can’t wait to get back to the Idea Shop on Monday to finalize all of the little details and start shop drawings.

Lisette Velazquez, Teaching Assistant