This week, ACE Team 7 started their session with the hard hat sorting ceremony, where “the hat” revealed in which of the 4 project teams the students would be. Our four teams are: structural design, interior layouts, exterior wall and physical model. Then all the groups got together and started to strategize the different steps needed to complete the project and the coordination necessary between the different teams / disciplines within the group to get this done.

The structural team started to discuss different structural options for the buildings and probable building loads. The exterior wall team started to define where the different entrances and openings would be on the building façade, and which parts would be opaque vs transparent. The physical model team started building the project site and foam-cutting the adjacent buildings. Last but not least, the interior layout team started placing the cores and service areas of the building to start determining floor plans.

Below, photos of all our teams in action!


An important reminder that TODAY is the deadline for all scholarships / internship applications. The design and build applications should also be received as soon as possible, but there is a little more flexibility on that.

Let me know if you need any last minute help or have any questions. You can contact me directly at or 215-407-1390.

See you all next week!


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