I told Yao that ACE would not turn into volleyball season.  I may or may not have intentionally missed every single volleyball game for the VOA work league because I’m tragically awful at volleyball.  And here I go, missing (quite unintentionally) the first real ACE meeting of the season!  Nevertheless – I got a great recap of how the first meeting went, and it all started off with icebreakers.  Now I know icebreakers are awkward – standing around in a room with a bunch of strangers asking them via “Two truths and a lie” whether or not they think you’d be the kind of person to pay money for a Taylor Swift concert.  (The answer is yes.  Your mentor Matt, did in fact do just that.)  However, at the end of things, we progressed from ‘a room full of strangers’, to ‘a room full of people you at least kind-of recognize’.  Sweet progress!

Then the fun part of the meeting – office tour! (hope no one got lost!) and a little presentation of some of the work that is done at Sargent & Lundy.  Your handy mentor Garrett presented his current work on a nuclear power plant.  He navigated through the project’s requirements and design, and displayed the BIM software used to coordinate the model.  For those looking to pursue an Engineering career, this was a great example of what may be expected of you in the future!

We try not to give loads of homework – but both the mentors and students have some to do this week.  It’s meant to be quick and get you thinking about the built environment and space around you.  Draw / write about / collage / etc. a place or space that has really made a personal impression.  It can be a your favorite place to go for a walk, or it could be the place where you hid when playing hide and seek when you were 10 and got stuck and now your claustrophobic.  We’ll we pinning up and giving short presentations next week!  See you all soon – I WILL make next week’s meeting!

Hey, how'd this picture of the Le Corbusier kitty get in here?
Hey, how’d this picture of the Le Corbusier kitty get in here?

Next Meeting:

Thursday, November 14

VOA Associates Office @ 224 South Michigan Avenue, FLOOR 14

Time 5:00-7:00

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