Week 5 Recap

Week six was our introduction to engineering! To introduce everyone to the coordination that is required among different disciplines, we did a coordination activity where we had to coordinate the location of steel beams, ducts, electrical wires, and various plumbing lines.  There was no right or wrong arrangement; however, some arrangements were a little bit more practical than other. See the pictures below to see how each team tackled the task.  As the structural engineer on the team, I want to take this opportunity to say that there will be not cutting through any steel beams!

As the project moves forward, we are going to need some students to act as the engineers, so if you are interested please let Mike or myself know.

Where We Go From Here

The next meeting will be on next Tuesday, December 11th, at GP.  The theme for the meeting will be Construction 101, so strap on your hard hats and let’s get ready to go.

Remember keep thinking MAKE-WATCH-PLAY!

 Random Fact of the Week: The Chrysler Building in New York City was the first building in the world to be more than 1000 feet tall!

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