Student Summary:

On Thursday, the first day of the workshop, we were introduced to each other and our host school, Currie Metropolitan. We had our woodshop orientation where we leaned power tool safety and general shop safety. Also, we had our first day in the Architecture lab, and understand what tools we will be using throughout the workshop. To end the day, we were to start thinking about t-shirt designs for the team.

Friday, we arrived at our first design charrette.  The clients from Neighbor Space, an organization supporting gardens throughout the city, and members of the garden (Maria, Patina, Audria, and Rachael) arrived bright and early to greet and explain to us what they would like in a small community garden known as the Children’s Garden of Hope. We went through a slide show explaining to the clients and to us what the Design-Build Workshop is. From there, we split into four different groups containing a member of our clients to talk about possible ideas and designs. A large portion of the ideas involved rainwater harvesting and there many forms of that idea were designed.

Marcus, Workshop Participant

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