Student Summary:

To start off our week we were given two interesting PowerPoint presentations by two professional landscape architects. They informed us on the major points of both landscape architecture and the relationships between clients and the communities. Both presentations helped us further realize the amount of thought has to go into every design plan.

Over this past week our program has emphasized on teamwork. We have split into two different groups in order to further our experiences in the field of architecture. The two teams consist of a Build team and a Design Team. Each team controls certain facets of our total design process and contributes to each other in order to create our final designs and models.

The Design group has created an elaborate and interesting layout for our Ujima Garden client and now the Build team is trying to construct a scaled model of the plans in order to show our clients what exactly we have in mind for their garden. During this process it is essential that the two teams stay in contact with each other in order to make sure that each team has an input on the final design and to make sure that all the measurements and designs are accurate.

-Kameron (Workshop Participant)

Workshop Observations:

  • We broke into our two groups (Design Team) and (Build Team).
  • Design Team consolidated all of our ideas and put them together.
  • Build Team constructed a scaled model of the Ujima model site.
  • Design Team also went over The City of Chicago Zoning codes for our site. They discovered certain setback requirements.
  • Property line discrepancy solved.
  • T-shirts for our program were designed and ordered. We needed to know the exact requirements of our shirts and how they were made.

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