Student Summary:

On June 25th the ACE Mentor Program took a trip to Ujima Garden to view the site of our 2010 Summer Design Workshop client.  After reviewing and surveying the site we had several questions about the site.  Upon arriving on site we noticed the entrance gate was farther back the earlier anticipated.  We also found that there is a utility pole blocking part of the wall where the mural is supposed to be.  After surveying the lot we determined that the tool shed/greenhouse should be placed at the southeast corner of the lot, placing the shed/greenhouse there will block the view of the alley and neighbors parking lot.  By placing the shed/greenhouse there will help hide the alley and parking lot and leave the community’s residents with a better view instead of a trashy alley of a view.  After taking the trip to the site it leaves use with a better view of what we have to work with and suggesting for improvements to address when we meet the client at a later date.-

-Justin (Workshop Participant)

Workshop Observations:

  • Entry gate located at center of site, north side. *Preference is to maintain location(cost).
  • Potential 2nd gate on Central Park.
  • Site currently slopped/crowned. Do we want to modify? Bio Swales?
  • No setback at neighbor’s property. Do we need to set Garden apart?
  • Size of back gate appeared small.
  • Trash present on site. Consider trash barrels, nice design to encourage community to take care.
  • Utility pole blocking portion of mural wall. *Can we propose new mural location or two.
  • Current tree location bunched together.

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