Week 6 (July 23- 27)


The DBW Team split up into groups that worked on the sketchup model, the structural model of the leaf with the columns on AutoCAD, the information display panels, and the bench which has planters built into it. The structure group created a model that has a wood joint system and a model that had metal tubes instead to compare which version will be best. The display group began using photoshop to illustrate the 6 panels, and worked on the material list for the panels. The bench group worked on finalizing the material list needed in order to send to power construction, who is graciously able to donate lumber for the project.


Today we got into a large group at the beginning of the work day to have a list of things to accomplish. Most of the groups stayed the same as Monday, although a few students were put into smaller groups in order to work on: gravel vs concrete for the base of the structure and for the path way from sidewalk to the Ufarm gate, leaf cladding material list, and finding the orientation of the structure on the site. Christian took a group of students to the site, which were able to mark off where the pathway and the structure will be placed so that we can begin digging soon. A few students were able to give insight to what they did today and what they learned, one student from the information display group said she was finishing up the layout of the panels before she implements the information about the Ufarm. “Being able to adjust to changes made for the panels and columns made some moments rigorous, yet seeing the reality of a process like this in the project expands my appreciation for work being done on a larger scale” – Riley


Today the team took a trip downtown to see the construction being done on the renovation process of the Willis (Sears) Tower. The project is going to make a new lobby space, while also updating the elevators to be faster and more energy efficient. The project is expected to be completed in 2020 and is the first large-scale renovation being done in the Tower’s history. Turner, Clayco, Thornton Tomasetti, ESD, and Gensler are a few of the companies working on the project. Iron and construction workers were seen actively working on the structural components of the renovation.


Today marked the beginning of the construction phase, as half of the team went out to level out the weed patch that took up space within the perimeter of where the structure will be built, and started to break ground to create a gravel path. The other half of the team stayed at the ideashop to continue working on the information panels, materials, and shop drawings. Material list has to go out to Power Construction, the company donating the lumber. Shop drawings of the leaf structure will be sent out to Chicago Rolled Metal Products.


The majority of the group went to the site to continue digging, and a few students stayed at the ideashop to finalize the information wall display panels. On site, measurements were checked and adjusted to ensure that a path is created from sidewalk to the ufarm. The group on site broke up into groups that worked on leveling out the weed patch and digging up the path to the ufarm gate.


A few of the students and TA’s came to bKL Architecture firm to work on the photoshop files that had the information panels, and the construction documents for the foundation of the columns, a site plan that showed the structure oriented in the position that it will be built in in order for the person that is coming out to pour concrete on Wednesday to see beforehand. They are expected to come survey the site on Monday, July 30th. We were able to get a tour of Matt’s office and we were able to have lunch before getting back to work. The group worked at the office from 9am-1pm, and some stayed till 4pm to continue working on the connection details between the columns and the leaf structure.  

Alexander Casimiro, Teaching Assistant

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