These 2 weeks demonstrated the hard work of the students to finalize their ideas for the high school they’ve designed, branded the Chi H.U.B. School of Technology. Hosted at the CannonDesign office, students and mentors finished developing the designs of the school as well as the structural calculations, construction planning and landscape design. Groups working in Revit coordinated rendering images to provide the best snapshots of the school as they related to adjacent spaces. The branding team finalized the school’s objectives, logo & school name and layout of each slide.

Coordination was key in these weeks as the information of each of the groups was compiled into the presentation. As a group students and mentors decided on the order and flow of the presentation, the number of slides each group would have, and speaker order. The team began reviewing the presentation for the final in order to best describe the project they have worked so diligently to produce in a concise amount of time. After 2 pass-throughs as a team the time to present shortened greatly as the students became more comfortable with presenting their information. By the end of week 14 all of the content was finalized and placed into the presentation — all that remained was continuous practice on the verbal portion of the presentation to bring everything together. Also, a group photo was taken of Team 4! This included mentors from CannonDesign, Mortenson & Thornton Tomasetti, as well as the students that represent 14 schools in Illinois & Indiana.

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