ACE Team 2
Meeting 3 – November 28, 2017
This week ACE Team 2 had their first introduction to the construction management portion of the industry. Construction managers aim to build a quality product while minimizing money and time spent. On a daily basis, construction managers have to respond to problems and changes with the design.
The group split into teams of 4 and received the assignment. They were to build a structure that conformed to the following requirements:
- Span a minimum of 6” between (2) books (cannot be permanently attached to the testing surface).
- Hold a 4”x 4”x 4” solid cube within the structure.
- (2) sides are to have windows that are at least 3”x 3” and no structural members can obstruct this open space.
- The structure must also have a solid roof and a minimum of (1) side must have a solid wall.
- The structure must be able to hold (1) 12-ounce can of pop placed on top of the structure
The team that could build a structure meeting the requirements for the least amount of money would be named the winner. Costs included:
- $5 fine for each criteria not met
- $10 bonus to the project that is voted to be the most aesthetic
- $2/minute bonus for each minute finished early
- $4/minute fine for each minute finished late
- $125 to purchase materials
Each group spent 10 minutes planning (awaiting a building permit) and 40 minutes to complete the structure. Groups got experience with planning for bulk rates, lead times, and minimizing material waste. 15 minutes into the building portion, a noise ordinance was announced where builders had to remain quiet for (5) minutes or risk a $5 fine. At 20 minutes, the owner decided on a change order where each roof was to have a 1″ x 1″ skylight. As a result of the change order, each group was given an extra 5 minutes of work time and $25 for materials. At 30 minutes there was a labor dispute where the local labor unions agreed that only women were allowed to use adhesives for (5) minutes or risk a $5 fine.
Students got first-hand experience with the importance of meeting or exceeding a schedule. One group was able to finish and was awarded extra money. The other three were penalized at a rate of $4/minute for each minute they were late.
Once all groups were done the mentors judged each structure against the requirements. All groups were able to meet at least three of the requirements! The amount of money each group had left over was totaled and used to determine a winner, who will be announced next week and awarded a prize!
Next up: Chicago Architecture Foundation Biennial — meet at HDR.