This week we went to the Chicago Architecture Foundation (CAF) where they hosted the Lego Lab workshop. Jesse from CAF gave a presentation on the process of design.

After the presentation, we were asked to create a duck in 10 seconds out of Legos. We were then asked to pass our ducks to the person on our left. This individual had 30 seconds to create a better duck out of the Lego duck we had just constructed.

Passing the duck to the left again, we were given 2 minutes to turn the modified duck into a hotel. Finally, we explained our thought process around why we made the design decisions we made.

In the next activity, students had to create a space for the mentors while, the mentors had to create a space for the students. We were given a square Lego base to construct the spaces on.

We then combined 4 Lego bases on what we were calling a city grid to mimic the urban environment. Lastly, we combined the city grids to become a dense urban ecology.







Photo Jan 24, 6 36 01 PM







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