Week 3 – Site Visit!

This week’s meeting was dedicated to taking the students on a site visit to a Turner project currently under construction. The project is an interior build out of an existing high rise building. Project Manager, Bill Marsh, gave a presentation on the overview of the project.img_5638

Students had the opportunity to ask Bill all of their questions about day to day site operations and challenges.  After the Q&A time, students walked the job site with mentors and were able to see the construction process first hand.img_5646img_5648

The project is currently under multiple phases of construction and students had the opportunity to see how the space is transformed over time. After walking the site, students had even more questions about the design and construction process! Overall, the site visit was a fantastic learning experience for the ACE students and they all walked away with new knowledge of what it takes to build a project.  img_5656

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