We have officially kicked off our first week into this summer’s design build program! On Tuesday, June 27th, students had the opportunity to engage in a design Charrette with representatives from the ACE Mentor Program, National Public Housing Museum, and Chicago Public Schools. Faced with the challenge to develop a creative solution for a project to increase awareness of the National Public Housing Museum, students developed and presented a multitude of ideas addressing the design problem. Charrette participants worked together in teams to complete a site analysis of the museum as well as a proposed design concept.

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For the rest of the week, the team worked to narrow down our ideas. We created a list of the concepts, themes, and elements to incorporate in the design. In addition, we had a Sketch Up tutorial, researched precedents, and created a variety of sketches illustrating new concepts based on the feedback from Tuesday’s Charrette.

  • Concepts: Kiosk, Interactive fence, Sound Booth, Information Kiosk, tree, 3D Letters, Digital Storyboard, Convenience Store, Informational Structure (zig zag panels), Digital Face Cube, Canopy Structure, Bus Stop, Slideshow Fence
  • Themes: Roots, history, home, culture, relationships, society, family, humanization
  • Design Elements to Include & Consider: Provide/Collect information, audio/visual/engaging components, tell multiple stories, Be honest, Constructability, Mobility, Local Partnerships, Materiality, Digital, Interactive Components



Students sketched their ideas for this summer’s T-shirt design!

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Student Thoughts:

“I learned new ways to use Sketch Up, which was cool and very helpful. I also learned about kiosks during the program and what it is. I also learned more about public housing.”

  • Carlos S.

“I enjoyed getting revisions, working with people, and getting to know others. It has been a fun experience and environment. I love having something to do over the summer!”

  • Trinidad R.

“One thing I learned from the charrette is that clients don’t always have a clear idea going into a project but its our jobs to guide them through the process and create something that satisfies them.”

  • Darshan A.

Stay tuned for more updates!

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