Krisann Rehbein is a design educator, writer and strategic thinker.

As the Executive Director of ACE Mentor Program of Chicago, she oversees program operations for the organization. Working with a dynamic and committed core of volunteers from the architecture, construction and engineering industries, the program provides out-of-school programming for 300 teens annually, gives out over $150k in scholarships and 60 paid summer work experiences.

Prior to joining ACE Mentor, Krisann spent over a decade at the Chicago Architecture Foundation. During her tenure, she implemented city-wide programming for teens, piloted a fully funded community outreach initiative, placed over 150 students in paid internships, and developed a suite of new adult programs to expand the conversation about the built environment in Chicago. She spearheaded and directed a major institutional project, the development and writing of a textbook to teach high school students about architecture published as The Architecture Handbook: A Student Guide to Understanding Buildings. The award-winning curriculum is part of the official career curriculum for the Chicago Public Schools and is used in schools across the country. 

She holds an undergraduate degree in Sociology from the University of Wisconsin – Madison and a Masters degree in the Social Sciences from the University of Chicago. She is currently working on a second Masters degree in Studio Arts at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee.  /  773.301.9645

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